Address and Contact 

Nordost-Institut (IKGN e.V.) 
Lindenstraße 31 
21335 Lüneburg 

Telephone: + 49 4131 40059 - 0 
FAX: + 49 4131 40059 - 59 

General telephone service hours:

Monday – Thursday, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Friday, 10 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


PD Dr. Kirsten Bönker
PD Dr. Kirsten Bönker
Telefon: +49 4131 40059-0 
E-Mail senden
Apl. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. <br>Victor Dönninghaus
Stellvertreter der Direktion

Arbeitsbereich Russland/GUS/Sowjetunion
Apl. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. 
Victor Dönninghaus
Telefon: +49 4131 40059-33 
E-Mail senden
Scientific staff

Dr. Katja Bernhardt
Dr. Katja Bernhardt
Arbeitsbereich Polen
Telefon: +49 4131 40059-31
E-Mail senden
PD Dr. David Feest
PD Dr. David Feest
Arbeitsbereich Baltische Staaten
Schwerpunkt Estland 
Telefon: +49 4131 40059-14
E-Mail senden
Detlef Henning M.A.
Detlef Henning M.A.
Arbeitsbereich Baltische Staaten
Schwerpunkt Lettland
Telefon: +49 4131 40059-13
E-Mail senden
Dr. Dmytro Myeshkov
Dr. Dmytro Myeshkov
Arbeitsbereich Russland/GUS/Sowjetunion
Telefon: +49 4131 40059-17
E-Mail senden
PD Dr. Agnieszka Pufelska
PD Dr. Agnieszka Pufelska
Arbeitsbereich Polen
Telefon: +49 4131 40059-18
E-Mail senden

Agnieszka Pufelska ist vom 15. September 2024 bis zum 15. Februar 2025 Fellow am Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin.
PD Dr. Katrin Steffen
PD Dr. Katrin Steffen
Arbeitsbereich Polen
E-Mail senden

Katrin Steffen ist vom 1. September 2020 für fünf Jahre beurlaubt und nimmt in dieser Zeit die DAAD-Professur für "European and Jewish History and Culture" an der University of Sussex in Großbritannien ein.
Dr. Anja Wilhelmi
Dr. Anja Wilhelmi
Vergl. Sozial- und Mentalitätsgeschichte
Telefon: +49 4131 40059-32
E-Mail senden
Gemeinsame Kommission zuR Erforschung der jüngeren Geschichte der deutsch-russischen Beziehungen

Lena Radauer M.Sc.
Lena Radauer M.Sc.
Wissenschaftliche Koordinatorin
Telefon: +49 4131 40059-16
E-Mail senden
Florian Coppenrath M.A.
Florian Coppenrath M.A.
Wissenschaftlicher Redakteur 
Telefon: +49 4131 40059-16
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Library Staff

Mechthild Bernhard M.A. 
Mechthild Bernhard M.A. 
Telefon: +49 4131 40059-23
E-Mail senden
Sari Herde M.A., M.A. (LIS)  
Sari Herde M.A., M.A. (LIS)  
Stellv. Bibliotheksleiterin
Telefon: +49 4131 40059-22
E-Mail senden
Johanna Becker
Johanna Becker
Fachangestellte für Medien- und Informationsdienste
Telefon: +49 4131 40059-21
E-Mail senden
Jenny Eckhoff 
Jenny Eckhoff 
Fachangestellte für Medien- und Informationsdienste
Telefon: +49 4131 40059-21
E-Mail senden 
Administrative Staff

Rebecca Retelsdorf-Zielinski M.A.
Rebecca Retelsdorf-Zielinski M.A.
Telefon: +49 4131 40059-19
E-Mail senden
Anne Riediger B.A. 
Anne Riediger B.A. 
Telefon: +49 4131 40059-10
E-Mail senden
Petra Gelsheimer 
Petra Gelsheimer 
Mitarbeiterin Veranstaltungen/Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Telefon: +49 4131 40059-15
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Kerstin Elvers 
Kerstin Elvers 
Mitarbeiterin Buchhaltung/Vertrieb
Telefon: +49 4131 40059-11
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Okka Hippen 
Okka Hippen 
Mitarbeiterin Verwaltung
Telefon: +49 4131 40059-20
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Beatrice Stieglitz M.A. 
Beatrice Stieglitz M.A. 
Mitarbeiterin Redaktion
Telefon: +49 4131 40059-34
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Volker Kantor 
Volker Kantor 
Telefon: +49 4131 40059-24
E-Mail senden
Former employees






  • Dr. Konrad Maier  (1958 - †2013)




Interns and grant recipients

Since 2017, the Northwest Institute (IKGN e.V.) has awarded short-term grants (1-3 months) in support of research visits to the institute. Both junior and established scholars are welcome to apply. In addition, internships are available at the institute. The duration of internships is usually three weeks including one week of work experience in the library, the publication department and the research department, respectively.  

For information about the grant program and internships, please contact Agnieszka Pufelska.

Employment opportunities and open positions

The articles are not available in English. 

You are welcome to consult the German version.

The IKGN e.V. Association

Association Board 

Prof. em. Dr. Frank Golczewski
Dr. Christian Pletzing
Prof. Dr. Monica Rüthers

Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien
represented by:
Stefan Schmitt-Hüttebräuker
(Vorsitzender des Kuratoriums)
Referat K 44
Graurheindorfer Straße 198
53117 Bonn

Bundesinstitut für Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen im östlichen Europa (BKGE)
represented by:
Prof. Dr. Matthias Weber
(Stellvertreter der Kuratoriumsvorsitzenden)
Johann-Justus-Weg 147 a
26127 Oldenburg

Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur
represented by:
Klaus Engemann
Stabsstelle VFS
Georgsplatz 9
30157 Hannover

Universität Hamburg
represented by:
Prof. Dr. Anja Tippner
Institut für Slavistik
Arbeitsbereich Europäische Geschichte
Überseering 35
22297 Hamburg

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
represented by:
Dr. Maria Rhode
Seminar für Mittlere und Neuere Geschichte
Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14
37073 Göttingen

Vertreter der Mitgliederversammlung im Kuratorium

Prof. Dr. Dietmar Neutatz
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Historisches Seminar
79085 Freiburg

Prof. Dr. Alvydas Nikžentaitis
Lietuvos Istorijos Institutas (Institut für Geschichte Litauens)
St. Kražių 5
01108 Vilnius/Litauen

Prof. Dr. Tanja Penter
Universität Heidelberg
Historisches Seminar
Grabengasse 3-5
69117 Heidelberg

History of the Institute

Establishment and history of the IKGN e.V.

September 2000:  The federal government approves the implementation of the “Concept for the Investigation and Presentation of German Culture and History in Eastern Europe”. A new institute is established in Lüneburg as successor to the Institute for Northeast German Cultural Work in Lüneburg and the Research Group in  Göttingen, two earlier historical research institutions. The sponsorship of the new institute derives from the Interior Ministry through the newly-created office of a Federal Authority for Culture and Media (BKM).

21. June 2001 
Founding of the Northeast Institute (IKGN e.V.) in Hamburg. Authorization of its charter.
1. January 2002 
Beginning of operations at the Northeast Institute
April 2002 
Andreas Lawaty assumes the directorship of the Institute
Conferral of “an”-status on the Institute by the University of Hamburg 
May 2010 
Joachim Tauber assumes the directorship of the Institute
Plans are undertaken to move to new premises. The new location in Lüneburg has not yet been decided. 
A feasibility study for moving the Institute to Lindenstrasse 31 is drawn up
Closure of the Göttingen site
At its reappropriation meeting in November the German Federal Parliament approves the allocation of 906,000 € for the Institute’s move 
Authorization by the Federal Agency for Real Estate Assignments to renovate the former Customs Office in Lüneburg, Lindenstrasse 31, for the Institute’s use
In the Federal Government’s update of its conception document (2000) the Institute figures as follows:

 “The institutions supported by the BKM possess a high degree of competence in research and instruction and are all closely connected with the university system. . . . Thanks to its outstanding understanding of the particular conditions and research situation in the present-day states of central and eastern Europe, and to its linguistic competence, the faculty have considerable importance in helping to determine the advancement of knowledge and the need to strengthen the research presence in universities both at home and abroad, as well as in supplying expert political advice. These goals will be achieved through original research, university instruction and ongoing dialogue with colleagues at home and abroad.”
Beginning of renovation work in Lindenstrasse
October 2019 
Relinquishing of the old quarters in Conventstrasse and Am Berge 14; move of the Institute and the Library to the new premises at Lindenstrasse 31
29. November 2019 
Official opening and key ceremony at the Institute
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